Automating a RHEL 8 Installation Using the VMware REST Ansible Collection

Managing virtual machines in an IT infrastructure is often a common task, specifically VMware virtualization technology has been around for over 20 years. VMware administrators spend a lot of their time in automating the creation, management, and removal of virtual instances that contain various operating systems. One operating system that often resides on VMware infrastructure is Red Hat Enterprise Linux. 

With the introduction of VMware REST APIs, we recently announced the initial release of the vmware.vmware_rest Collection, for production use. As opposed to the community.vmware Collection, the vmware.vmware_rest Collection is based on next generation VMware REST APIs.  This new Collection no longer requires any third party Python bindings to communicate with VMware infrastructure. A large part of the new Collection that has been introduced is support for automating virtual machine operations.

In this blog post I will show you how VMware users can automate the installation of Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 (RHEL 8) using the vmware.vmware_rest.vcenter_vm module and a valid Kickstart file.


Scenario requirements

For this scenario, we will assume following requirements:

  1. vCenter 7.0.1 or latest with at least one ESXi 
  2. RHEL 8 installation DVD
  3. Ansible
  4. vmware.vmware_rest collection installed with latest version


Preparing Installation ISO file

We will be automating RHEL 8 installation using the Kickstart file fetched via iso image file. We will not discuss Kickstart file creation and management as this has already been covered in the documentation. You might want to visit Kickstart Info Access Labs to refresh your knowledge.


Gathering information about infrastructure

We will use environment variables to specify VMware credentials. This will make playbooks short and tidy. In order to do this, you need specify following environment variables – 


Let us now start with our playbook which will create the virtual machine in vCenter. All modules in vmware.vmware_rest Collection use VMware managed object ID (MoID) for identifying and  referencing VMware objects. The MoIDs are unique in the given vCenter so there is no need to specify names and folders. 

We need to provide information where the virtual machine is going to be placed. This information comprises MoIDs of cluster, datastore, folder and resource pool. We can use existing modules from vmware.vmware_rest Collection to collect this information.

	- name: Get Cluster info
    	    - "{{ cluster_name }}"
  	  register: cluster_info

	- name: Get Resource info for {{ cluster_name }}
    	    cluster: "{{ cluster_info.value[0].cluster }}"
  	  register: resource_pool_info

	- name: Get datastore info
    	    - "{{ datastore_name }}"
  	  register: datastore_info

	- name: Get folder info
    	    - '{{ folder_name }}'
  	  register: folder_info

We will need information about the standard portgroup to which the virtual machine is going to be attached to. Gathering information about the MoID of a standard portgroup can be done using vmware.vmware_rest.vcenter_network_info module.

      - name: Get a list of the networks with a filter
    	    filter_types: STANDARD_PORTGROUP
    	    - "VM Network"
  	  register: network_info


Creating a virtual machine

Once we have all the information required for create a virtual machine, let us move on to the module which creates the virtual machine that is vcenter_vm

  - name: Create a VM
        delay: 0
        enter_setup_mode: false
        retry: false
        retry_delay: 10000
        type: "BIOS"
    	boot_devices: []
        - allow_guest_control: true
          	type: "ISO_FILE"
          	iso_file: "[ds_200] iso/rhel_8.3_ks.iso"
          	master: true
          	primary: true
          label: "CD/DVD drive 1"
          start_connected: true
          type: "IDE"
        cores_per_socket: 1
        count: 1
        hot_add_enabled: false
        hot_remove_enabled: false
        - new_vmdk:
          	 capacity: 536870912
          label: "Hard disk 1"
          	bus: 0
          	unit: 0
          type: "SCSI"
    	guest_OS: "OTHER_LINUX_64"
    	hardware_version: "VMX_13"
        hot_add_enabled: true
        size_MiB: 4096
    	name: test_vm_3
        - start_connected: true
          type: VMXNET3
        	mac_type: GENERATED
              type: STANDARD_PORTGROUP
              network: "{{ network_id }}"
        - label: "SCSI controller 0"
          	bus: 0
          	unit: 7
          sharing: "NONE"
          type: "PVSCSI"
         datastore: '{{ datastore_id }}'
         folder: '{{ folder_id }}'
         resource_pool: '{{ resource_pool_id }}'
  	register: vm_info

Here, we specified to create a virtual machine with 4 GB memory with 1 single NIC attached to “VM network”. Additionally, we attached a CDROM to this virtual machine for installation DVD with kickstart file inside it. 

You can power on the virtual machine using following tasks –

	- name: Turn the power-on the VM
    	    state: start
    	    vm: '{{ }}'

After powering on the virtual machine, installation will start as default option with the given kickstart file:

rhel blog 1

Img. Boot menu with Kickstart file as default option

rhel blog 2

   Img. Linux Kernel boot parameters looks like

It will take some time to install the new operating system, depending upon the configurations. You can mark this newly installed virtual machine as a template and can use it for clone operation.


Conclusion & Where to go next

Combining this Collection with vmware.vmware_rest, Ansible users can better manage virtual instances on VMware infrastructure with faster iterations and easier maintenance. 

Ansible lets you connect the different technologies with your VMware infrastructure that are ultimately needed to be successful in your efforts. 

The Collection vmware.vmware_rest is a solid foundation for VMware automation, which is coming in the near future. We’re always looking to improve to help users like you get things done in more simplified, faster ways. 

If you want to learn more about automating infrastructure, check out these resources:

Originally posted on Ansible Blog
Author: Abhijeet Kasurde

1 thoughts on “Automating a RHEL 8 Installation Using the VMware REST Ansible Collection

  • Hi,

    Thanks for the example, one complication.

    While you show the use of vmware.vmware_rest.vcenter_network_info you do not use the result when creating the VM and so the example does not work as posted as there still needs to be some way to convert the text name of a network to the internally used network number.

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